
Lynch. - Adore [PV]


Subido por Kyon
Upload by Kyon

Яoaring☆in☆the☆Forums !!

Hoy hice un foro para el blog, para que pueda compartir sus videos, mp3, discos, etc.
Espero que les guste :)

Today i made a forum for the blog, so you can share you videos, mp3, discographies, etc.
I hope you like it :)

Cellt - Night Dolls [Pv]


-Subido por Kyon
-Uploaded by Kyon


Black;List - Throw away hope [Pv]

Nuevo Administrador / New Administrator

Ok, ahora este blog esta acargo de mi [Kyon y nuestro nuevo administrador, Sakito!
Areglaré algunas cosas pronto :P


Ok, now this blog is in charge of me [Kyon] and our new blog administrator, Sakito!
I'm going to fix some things soon. :P


Lamentable Noticia/Sorrow Notice

Lamento informarles que nuestro administrador Ruki no estará con nosotros por un buen tiempo por razónes personales.
Desde hoy estaré yo acargo del blog, pronto habrá un nuevo administrador que me ayude a manejar el blog.
Una cancion dedicado al weón del Ruki

雅-miyavi- Querido Amigo

Querido amigo, estas mirando el cielo
ahora, los dos miramos el mismo cielo
y estamos separados por una gran distancia,
es el mismo mundo, es el mismo mundo

al igual que el mar y el cielo, en alguna parte
estaremos unidos los dos

querido amigo, si yo comenzara a seguir esas nubes
me pregunto ¿seguiré en esta ciudad?

Di hola y obsérvame como lloro tu nombre
con mi voz gastada dentro de la soledad
quiero unirme a la realidad, pero ni en mis
sueños lo puedo conseguir

¿Cuánto le tomara a ese pájaro volar libremente
hacia el cielo?
realmente ,envidio la fuerza a esos pájaros
yo no tengo alas
pero tengo estas manos que te abrazaron alguna vez

querido amigo, si yo me aferrara a estas nubes
me pregunto si tu me llevarías
entonces, en otro tiempo y en otro día
nos juntaremos de nuevo
y yo tomare tu mano firmemente
para que tu no vuelvas a ir, para q tu no vuelvas a ir

-Kyon, Te extrañaré weón.

I'm sorry to say that our administrator Ruki will not be with us for a while for personal reasons.
From today i will be in charge of the blog, soon there will be a new administrator that will help me manage the blog.
A song dedicated to the fag of Ruki

雅-miyavi- Dear my Friend

Dear my friend, you're looking at the sky
now, we both look at the same sky
and even if we're separated by distance
it's the same world, it's the same world

as the same as the ocean and the sky, somewhere
we'll both be together

dear my friend, if i started following those clouds
i ask myself, will i remain in this city?

say hello and watch me cry your name
With my wasted voice in the lonelyness
i want to stick to reality, but not even in my
dreams i can.

how much will it take to that bird fly free in the sky?
really, i envy those birds will
i don't have wings
but i have this hands that once hugged you

dear my friend, if i hold on to these clouds
i ask if you will take me with you
then, in another time and another day
we will be together again
and i will take you hand strongly
so you can't never go again, so you can't go again

-Kyon, i'll miss you bud.


The Underneath - Gekkoh [Pv]


Aqui esta el primer Pv para The Underneath, Cancion Gekkoh
Es un ripeo del J-Rock Revolution de sus videos exclusivos, porque esto no ha sido lanzado oficialmente aun.
está en formato .flv y se ve decente en el VLC o GOM player
Here is the first PV for The Underneath for their song Gekkoh
It is a rip from the J-Rock Revolution exclusive stream, as this has not been officially released yet.
It is in .flv format and plays well on VLC or GOM media player

-Subido por Kyon
-Uploaded by Kyon


Viored - Cold Ruby [PV]


-Subido por Kyon
-Uploaded by Kyon

雅-miyavi- Hi no Hikari sae Todokanai Kono Basho de [PV]


Lyric en Inglés/English Lyrics
Nota: Algunas cosas no estan correctas, pero se acercan a la idea.
Note: Some things are not correct, but they are close to idea.

Even the sunlight does not reach,
This place looks up to the sky.
The fast foward cloud flows,
Try chasing after it with closed eyes.
I'm afraid if i close my eyes,
Everthing will become a lie.

The torn off cloud and the cloud's crevice,
The tied-up wind crying out.
Suddenly its starts to blow off,
A little blur doesn't matter.

Only just search fort the past,
walking ahead, only nothing to sway.
If one's push foward is done,
When will i even overtake that cloud?

Unfinished, continue ahead on this long journey.
For example, if only there isn't despair,
Beyond that there's dream and hope.
Even simplicity is fine,
I want to believe

Though there is no guidepost
Because i can make it by myself already
Even with eyes still closed
There ear can walk on to the end

And seriously stupid, boring values and prejuice are changed
No meaning, no value, no such thing as a useless dream
try and show me
To change without changing
That's our future?
No choice but to grasp with this hand

How long does this future will be if i can walk?
How long have we walked until now}
There's only looking back at the spreading desertland and Endless, continuous journey
On the lonely road now

I think...
Even if like has pain and suffering,
That in order to wipe.
If i met with you it isn't a bad thing
Therefore just...
A little more
Can you not leave this hand?

-Subido por Kyon
-Upload by Kyon

As.Milk - Disturbed [Pv]

Dir en Grey 1997 - 1999 History Tv [VHS Rip]

-Subido por Kyon
-Upload by Kyon

Inagurando el Blog / Opening the Blog

Hemos webeado todo el dia con el Ruki en arreglar este blog...
en este momento estoy subiendo un video 『Dir en Grey 1997 - 1999 history tvque pesa aproximadamete unos 500mb a Megaupload. Como va a ser el primer video del blog *creo* será sin password.
Espero que les guste como esta quedando...
Comenten como encuentra que esta quedando el blog ! :P
Saludos !


We have been f#ckin' all day with Ruki to fix this blog...
Right now i'm uploading a video 『Dir en Grey 1997 - 1999 history tv』 that weights like 500mb aproximated to Megaupload. Since it will be the first video of this blog *i guess* it won't have password.
I hope you like how the blog looks like ! :P
Take care !